Tuesday, January 11, 2011


ULTIMA - C is a revolutionary yet natural Vitamin C that is readily absorbed by the body cells. It's uniQue cellular actions are due to Vitamin C metabolites that work to maximize cellular utilization of Vitamin C.


Of all the vitamins that are essential to our health, vitamin C is probably one of the most important. This article covers the reasons why.

All animals, humans included, absolutely need vitamin C in their diets. One of the most important benefits of this vitamin is the fact that it helps protect fatty acids, along with vitamins A and E, which
are fat

 soluble, from oxidation. Vitamin C is beneficial in the treatment of anemia, and is also key in the prevention and cure of scurvy.

Vitamin C is also key in the production of collagen, which is the most abundant of fibers contained within connective tissue. It is connective tissue which is responsible for supporting our organs, and giving our body form. Collagen is produced through a series of complex events, which occur both inside and outside of the cell. Vitamin C does it's work inside of the cell, where it blends hydrogen and oxygen with two amino acids, which are proline and lysine. This in turn, helps create a precursor molecule, which is called Procollagen. Further modifications take place, resulting in the finished product of collagen, outside of the cell. If not for vitamin C, collagen formation would be disrupted, resulting in a multitude of problems throughout the body.
If one does not receive a sufficient amount of vitamin C, the disease of Scurvy will result. This disease is not seen very often today, except in those who suffer from extreme alcoholism, and receive literally, their entire calorie intake from the consumption of alcohol. The symptoms of Scurvy include inflamed gums, bleeding, poor wound healing, loose teeth, easy bruising, pain in the joints and muscle wasting, just to name a few. This disease is prevented by the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables. Fruits like oranges, grapefruit and limes, along with vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes and green peppers, are great sources of vitamin C.
Stays up to 12 hours in our body!

ULTIMA - C is effective in addressing the adverse effect of the following:

  • Allergies
  • Air
  • Pollutant
  • Alcoholism
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Bruises
  • Cold
  • Cancer
  • Cataracts
  • Cough
  • Dental
  • Cavities
  • Depression
  • Insomniac
  • Meningococcemia
  • Nasal
  • Allergy
  • Nose bleeds
  • Poor Digestion
  • Skin Irritation
  • Scurvy
  • Stress
  • Fever
  • Free Radicals
  • Gingivitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Infections

P  750.00/BOX 100 capsules 500 mg

CONTACT ME :  09206404294 (smart)

or e-mail me ; project_salvation07@yahoo.com

Thursday, January 6, 2011


To all my beloved TAMBAYAN GROUP in FACEBOOK.., watch-out for we will have an event, its still un official, im urging you guyz to pls post your comments or any suggestion for this event.. good luck 2 all ;)

Friday, December 31, 2010

bit grid

Happy New Year to everyone! that  means new life, new challenges,, and new glory to take! ;)

This year, I want to focus most of my time  to experience if MINDSET really works.., will lets see, im excited.  Good luck to me  ;)

Your Mindset And The Law Of Attraction

In accepting the law of attraction as the focus of our future direction, we are faced with many problems and not discounting our mindset as one of them. A successful mindset is the key to success, so long as we do not allow the word failure into our plans. Things often do not go as we planed. These setback must be considered for what they are minor mistakes that can be corrected, glitches that can be resolved or just setbacks we can get over, but never failures. We need to harness our mindset with the law of attraction principals, to provide the inner strength and ability to beat the odds.
Entrepreneurs are often asked, “what is the hardest decision they have had to make?”. Most answer, they don’t know “what a hard decision” is.There approach to decision making is made from their mindset of success, so they go along the path that keeps things going forward. They unquestionably understand things will not always go to plan, but they also understand they will handle these issues as they arise.

We use the law of attraction because we believe we can gain our desires. Have the wrong mindset and how can we believe? How can we succeed?. Entrepreneurs inherently know there will be mistakes, but they seek to learn by the mistakes and create new strategies around them. The law of attraction is all about mindset, about belief within ourselves and in our self talk. Our mindset must allow us to make our own mistakes and learn from them, by not letting them become barriers to progress and the blame for our lack of success.
Developing your mindset is all about developing your inner self, your self-talk and using your intuition or gut feelings. Lets face it, all your inner feeling are being built of the exposure to life experiences, knowledge you have gained, courses you have attended and mentoring from those around us. You must trust yourself even though the mindset may be wrong, because more often than not you can work through the problems that may arise instead of doing nothing. Go with your instincts, prevent checks and balances holding you back, while you build both your mindset and your confidence in it.
To achieve the outcomes from the law of attraction in both your personal life and your business, you have to practice being a manifestor of ideas. It’s not a course that available at schools and colleges, let alone on the internet. It’s all learned from experience and challenging your self and the actions we individually take, so we need to start on smaller requests and build to the more complex. Your mindset and the linking into the law of attraction will become one, but only in time.
If you want to learn more about using the Law of Attraction then I recommend you read The 11 Forgotten Laws Review and start learning how to use these Forgotten Laws and start living that dream life, you could only have dreamt about.
Our current mindset is usually limiting to our progress within the law of attraction, because our thought patterns are restrictive and limited and needs to be changed to a higher more challenging and questioning level. We must not be trapped by appearance or what others think, but let actual facts, as they can be seen, triumph. In time, our actions will become more powerful than appearance, for we will be on a higher plane. On a higher plane, where appearance is not what our self-esteem or mindset needs for us to feel fore filled.
The bounty of the law of attraction will only enter into your life if you can project yourself with confidence and be assured in your abilities. You will be trying to manifest without the slightest knowledge of how to achieve your goals. All that you can take with you is blind faith that others have achieved that which you now seek over countless generations around the world. Mindset, mindset and mindset is the key just as position, position, and position is for estate agents. Mindset and the law of attraction are clearly interlinked.